Prayer Zoom
There is a church online Zoom prayer meeting most Mondays at 1.00pm, led by Andrew (please ask for more details).
DPR Café
The church runs a café every Thursday from 12.00 to 1.30pm. It’s an opportunity to go somewhere warm and friendly for a chat, drinks, cake and light lunches. Feel free to bring a friend.
Ladies’ Fellowship
Meets every Tuesday (in term time) at 1.30pm for a Bible study or talk, testimonies, and prayer.
Women Together
Meets most months on the last Monday, and provides a great opportunity to invite your friends to an informal evening with other ladies. There is a varied programme of talks, craft activities, food events, and walks.
DPR Ramblers
A walking group which meets monthly for walks at locations all over Derbyshire – generally with a tea/coffee shop stop!
Men’s social events
Events are organised on an “ad hoc” basis, but have included games evenings, Crown Green Bowling, barbeque etc.
Church Camp
Every summer we spend a few days camping in Derbyshire (near Ashbourne). It’s a chance to hang out, eat together, explore the countryside and get to know each other better. We have talks from the Bible every evening and a big barbecue one evening. Day visitors are also welcome.