Leadership Team


Andrew Knox


I was born and raised in County Monaghan in the Republic of Ireland, where I became a Christian at the age of 24. My wife, Fiona, and I moved over to the UK to train at Bible college and we served the Lord in rural mission, which we enjoyed for over twelve years. In 2005 we moved to Derby to pastor Davenport Road Evangelical Church. We have three grown-up children and two grandchildren. In my free time, I enjoy being with my family and spending time outdoors, in particular motorbiking and fishing.

Steve Titterton

Assistant Pastor

I’m a Derbyshire lad through and through. At the age of seven I became a Christian in Pilsley. Soon after, we moved to Matlock – where I have lived for most of my life. I love it there. After being a teacher for a number of years, God moved me on to teach in Kenya with Africa Inland Mission, and then back to the UK to get some training in how to teach the Bible. I am married to Christine. We have one young son. In my spare time, I love to go walking in the hills of Derbyshire, read, travel, watch football, and catch up with friends.

Nigel Jones


I was brought up in a Christian home where I heard and responded to the gospel as a child. I wouldn’t even be able to tell you my age but the Lord knows the very moment of my salvation! After school I took a pharmacy degree at Nottingham where I met Fiona and we married in 1981. Our first home was in Derby and DPR has been our spiritual home from then until now ; we both retired from NHS employment in March 2022. I love to teach the Bible and was greatly helped in this ministry through attending the Northern Cornhill Training Course in Sheffield in 2000 / 2001. My main interests are golf and gardening – Fiona likes her roses, but I prefer the fruit and veg!!


Mikk Campbell


I was born in St Andrews, Jamaica and came to the UK when I was around 18 months old. I grew up in a church-going household and thinking if you went to church, you were a Christian. Around the age of 19 I discovered that being a Christian was more than attending church, it was about having faith in Jesus Christ who died for our sins. I am married to Joy and have two lovely daughters. I enjoy travelling, reading, photography, football and golf.

Linda Cornfield


I was born and raised in Derby and became a Christian at the age of 50. I’m married to Pete and have three sons and five grandchildren and one great grandchild! I enjoy walking, watching tennis and football, as well as meeting with friends for coffee and cake and a chat.

Dave Hulse


I have been a Christian since 1994 and it means everything to me, it completely changed my life! I was born and raised in Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent and moved to Derby in 2003 when I married Pat. I have been a postman at the Royal Mail for all of my working life so I am very much a community focused person who loves to talk to people from all walks of life and learn about them – if they like football, that’s an extra bonus!


Jenny Wilson


I’m Jenny, wife to Sam and mum to our two children. I worked in IT as a project manager and system designer for 10 years before I left the world of paid employment to be a full-time homemaker, and I’ve never looked back! I love to spreadsheet (it’s a verb in our home!) and in my limited spare time, I enjoy jigsaws and writing (silly stories and poems/articles about motherhood). I met the Lord as a young child in a Christian home in Norfolk, before we moved to Derby and DPR in 2012 – He has been faithful time and again.


Ema Chillingworth


I grew up in a non-Christian home near Oxford and started going to church so I could sing in the choir. God introduced Himself to me and brought me to saving faith when I was 10. I am a Chartered Mechanical Engineer working in the rail industry, which has something to do with how I ended up in Derby, and I’ve been part of Davenport Road Church since 2015. I still love singing God’s praises whenever I can and was truly blessed a few years back by the opportunity to do 2 years study with Midlands Ministry Training which gave me the confidence to lead Ladies’ Bible studies. I can often be found out for coffee with friends or trying my hand at different crafts and hobbies.

Safeguarding Coordinator

Pat Hulse

Safeguarding Coordinator

I was very blessed that I grew up in a family where my mum had been a Christian since attending a Billy Graham crusade in the 1960’s. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 12 years old at a Derby Youth for Christ service and I have never once regretted my decision – He has been steadfast and sure in my life. I am retired now, but previous to this I worked in a children’s social care environment for 36 years, so it is a joy to continue with this in my work as the Safeguarding Co-ordinator at Davenport Road Church.