Health & Safety and Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
It is the policy of Davenport Road Evangelical Church to provide the highest possible quality of care for children and all adults in a Christian environment. We look to ensure and safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults by protecting them from physical, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse and neglect where ever it occurs.
The Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Elders and Trustees have the overall responsibility for implementing the policy and have appointed a Safeguarding Coordinator and Deputy who have key roles in the management of the practices.
Our policy is guided and overseen by the provider known as 31:8 who support all Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for workers.
A policy and practice manual has been issued and is maintained, which covers:
- Policy Statement
- Premises
- Equipment
- Transport
- Trips and Camps
- Accidents and Health
- Insurance
- Workers
- Response to Allegations or Suspicion of Abuse
- Check Sheet for special church events
- Elder’s responsibility regarding offenders.
The full policy can be made available on request. Any concerns should be reported as soon as possible in confidence to the Safeguarding Coordinator or Deputy at .